19 research outputs found

    Attentional orienting to biologically fear-relevant stimuli: data from eye tracking using the continual alternation flicker paradigm

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    Journal of Eye Tracking, Visual Cognition and EmotionSnakes are thought as fear-relevant stimuli (biologically prepared to be associated with fear) which can lead to an enhanced attentional capture when compared fear-irrelevant stimuli. Inherent limitations related to the key-press behaviour might be bypassed with the measurement of eye movements, since they are more closely related to attentional processes than reaction times. An eye tracking technique was combined with the flicker paradigm in two studies. A sample of university students was gathered. In both studies, an instruction to detect changes between the pair of scenes was given. Attentional orienting for the changing element in the scene was analyzed, as well the role of fear of snakes as a moderator variable. The results for both studies revealed a significant shorter time to first fixation for snake stimuli when compared to control stimuli. A facilitating effect of fear of snakes was also found for snakes, presenting the highly fear participants a shorter a time to first fixation for snake stimuli when compared to low-feared participants. The results are in line with current research that supports the advantage of snakes to grab attention due their evo-biological significance

    Hemispheric asymmetries in recognition memory for negative and neutral words

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    Journal of Eye Tracking, Visual Cognition and EmotionFedermeier and Benjamin (2005) have suggested that semantic encoding for verbal information in the right hemisphere can be more effective when memory demands are higher. However, other studies (Kanske & Kotz, 2007) also suggest that visual word recognition differ in function of emotional valence. In this context, the present study was designed to evaluate the effects of retention level upon recognition memory processes for negative and neutral words. Sample consisted of 15 right-handed undergraduate portuguese students with normal or corrected to normal vision. Portuguese concrete negative and neutral words were selected in accordance to known linguistic capabilities of the right hemisphere. The participants were submitted to a visual half-field word presentation using a continuous recognition memory paradigm. Eye movements were continuously monitored with a Tobii T60 eye-tracker that showed no significant differences in fixations to negative and neutral words. Reaction times in word recognition suggest an overall advantage of negative words in comparison to the neutral words. Further analysis showed faster responses for negative words than for neutral words when were recognised at longer retention intervals for left-hemisphere encoding. Electrophysiological data through event related potentials revealed larger P2 amplitude over centro-posterior electrode sites for words studied in the left hemifield suggesting a priming effect for right-hemisphere encoding. Overall data suggest different hemispheric memory strategies for the semantic encoding of negative and neutral words


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    The contamination of utensils used in the handling of meat has become a concern, besides being an eminent health problem. This study aimed at the bacteriological analysis of utensils used in the meat processing of butchers located in the City of Juazeiro do Norte - CE. Forty samples were analyzed, obtained randomly from establishments (10 Private and 10 Public). During the processing, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella sp. and Escherichia coli. After growth in Brain Heart Infusion (BHI), sowing was done in Mannitol Agar, Salmonella-Shigella Agar (SS) and Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB), incubated in a 37 ° C incubator for 24 hours. Subsequently, catalase and coagulase and other biochemical tests were performed to confirm the species found. For the bacterial resistance profile, the disk diffusion method (Antibiogram) was performed. In both establishments, microbial growth of all species surveyed was found, S. aureus in both types of establishments proved to be the most prevalent microbial agent reaching 62.5%, however the presence of Salmonella sp. also in the two research sites, it was a worrying fact, since this bacterium should be absent in food according to the legislation. Given this analysis, it is confirmed that there is a precariousness in the hygiene of these utensils. Therefore, it is necessary to enable measures that can be effective in raising awareness and practices for cleaning and handling the utensils used, as well as the personal hygiene of the handlers. Keywords: Food; Staphylococcus aureus; Enteropathogens; Contamination.A contaminação dos utensílios utilizados no manuseio de carnes vem se tornado preocupante além de ser um problema eminente a saúde. Este estudo teve como objetivo a análise bacteriológica de utensílios usados no processamento de carnes de açougues localizados na Cidade de Juazeiro do Norte – CE. Foram analisadas 40 amostras, obtidas aleatoriamente de estabelecimentos (10 Privados e 10 Públicos). Durante o processamento foram realizadas as identificações de Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella sp., e Escherichia coli. Após o crescimento em meio Brain Heart Infusion (BHI), foi feito o semeio em Agar Manitol, Agar Salmonella-Shigella (SS) e Agar Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB), incubados em estufa a 37 °C por 24 horas. Posteriormente foi realizado catalase e coagulase e as demais provas bioquímicas para confirmação das espécies encontradas. Para o perfil de resistência bacteriana foi realizado o método de difusão em disco (Antibiograma). Em ambos os estabelecimentos foram encontrados crescimento microbiano de todas as espécies pesquisadas, S. aureus nos dois tipos de estabelecimentos mostrou-se como o agente microbiano mais prevalente chegando a 62,5%, entretanto a presença de Salmonella sp. também nos dois locais de pesquisa foi um fato preocupante, devido que esta bactéria deveria estar ausente em alimentos segundo a legislação. Diante desta análise confirma-se que há uma precariedade na higienização destes utensílios. Sendo, necessário viabilizar medidas que possam ser eficazes na conscientização e práticas de limpeza e manipulação dos utensílios utilizados, bem como, a higiene pessoal dos manipuladores. Palavras-chave: Alimento; Staphylococcus aureus; Enteropatógenos; Contaminação

    Crescimento de Epidendrum ibaguensis e Laelia purpurata em diferentes substratos

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho Verificar o efeito de diferentes substratos no crescimento de Epidendrum ibaguensis e Laelia purpurata